Saturday, June 11, 2011

Snacks and Unhealthy Foods

I always thought Cheetos were funny, like what is a cheeto? Sounds like a native American chieftain to me. “Ey Cheeto! Sky Spirit and Swift Tiger have just returned from hunting, they’re going to hit the sack  and call it a night.” Cheetos are awesome but the orange flavor that rubs off on your fingers while you’re eating them always kind of freaked me out. I mean everyone does that right? They lick their fingers after eating Cheetos but then your fingernails are all orange, its almost like you just made out with an Oompa Loompa from Charlie and the chocolate factory.
I love cheetos, Doritos, hot fries, all that stuff and its so amazing when youre eating it but after you feel like absolute poo. You start grabbing your stomach and flexing to make yourself feel better. But after its all done you usually just lay there like a dead buffalo. Thinking to yourself what the hell was I thinking eating all that? It’s like fast food resturaunts Chipotle and Mcdonalds, people are always so excited to go there like its going to be the best time which it is, at the beginning at least. “Yo, lets go get some Chipotle.” “Dude im so down, I’m gonna get two burritos, extra sour cream, holler at me son.” But then it’s like once you show up and eat the actual burrito and you can barely walk youre thinking to yourself, I need to get on a fuckin treadmill. You know whats even more funny when youre going to a fast food resturaunt with some friends and youre like, “No man I cant be eating that stuff, Im really trying to cut back on unhealthy food like that.” And you always have that one friend who tries to convince you to eat with him because he feels the same way and doesn’t want to feel like a fat ass alone. “Dude youll be fine, just get a burrito like you always do and drop the coke, get a bottle of water.” Yeah you’re right Steven, dropping the coke will only make me feel like less of a fat ass.