Saturday, June 11, 2011

General Contractor

Its interesting when you call a general contracting company to come to your house and fix something. Usually it’s a pipe or piece of drywall that you and your buddy broke while competitively wrestling in the basement. “Good afternoon Sir, is this Reliant Drywall?” “Most certainly is, how can I help you?” Usually you tell them the status of the drywall and set an appointment for them to come through and help you. If you stay on the phone longer than ten minutes, they usually like you more than the average joe. “Sir, we value customer service and your happiness more than anything else.” You’re thinking, wow that’s awesome Leroy is the man. They roll up to the house smiling at you like both of you are best friends. That’s the thing about most contractors when they visit a house they look for any type of sign that you have money. It can be the Mercedes up front or that nice vase at the front door. “Let me see that drywall I’m sure its not a big deal.” You go ahead and show it to them and all of a sudden, the small 3x3 whole that you put through it is equivalent to the damage of hurricane Katrina. They always make that joke that's degrading and not funny but its a set up for their terms to fixing it. “Wow son, were you looking for gold in the wall?” “Wait what?” After they make that comment they do two things they start investigating it like they’re on CSI trying to show you they know what they’re doing, its usually a way to show the seriousness of the project even though its not a big deal. Or they just throw a huge number at you, “Two thousand and we will start tomorrow.” Then when you try and negotiate with them they usually reply with, “Look I have a family to feed, I’ve been working for this company for X years and this is how we do things.” Dude you just told me you strive off of good customer service and my happiness, yeah it happens.