Saturday, June 11, 2011

Party in the USA

People you’ll find at a party:
Fat Bouncer- Tries to look intimidating, checks out all the girls, in reality soft nice guy.
Trying to make a name guy- “Dude Joe’s doing a back flip off the roof, everybody come!”
Unknown Looter- That guy who nobody knows and is asking for him to leave.
Ugly Slut- The girl whos invited to all the parties cause she will get down with anybody.
Girl that looks good after a few drinks- That girl that you’d never talk to sober but now its different.
Unintellectual Ciggarete Smokers- The people you find outside smoking who look like they’re talking about something deep but its really, “You know he was the creator right?” (Inhales cigarettes) “Yeah he created that bong himself.”
Creepy Guy- The guy who only talks to girls and is extremely blunt. “Hey your boobs are huge can I squeeze them?”
Competition Drinkers- “Dude I’m getting trashed first, This is my seventh shot in 20 minutes.”
Motivational Frat Guy- “Yo Ryan this is Omega Omega Omega, stop being a lightweight. Grab that jack daniels.
Drunk Workout Guys- “80 pushups and I’m sore”, “67 and I’m drunk”, “Yeah I guess we’re equal”.
Cute Complainer- “He doesn’t love me, he just texted me and said hes not coming here, he’s going to the clubs in DC”
Textasaurus- Guy or Girl who is scrolling through their phonebook but pretending like they’re texting because they’re too cool for the party. You’re an antisocial it’s ok we understand.
Midnight Rapist- Guy who’s taking care of girls because he genuinely "cares", dude everybody knows what you want it’s obvious.
The DD- Designated Driver, there’s a possibility of him being a creeper, antisocial, or midnight rapist.