Saturday, June 11, 2011


I play games, every young guy does. If you don’t you’re weird that’s just how it is. It was always like that, you’d have a whole bunch of friends over and you just finished watching a movie or eating some food  and one of your friends is like “Hey lets go play the new Halo 3 that just came out!” There's always that one friend who’s not really down, he was the uncool friend. That guy who was just there cause you tried to train him to be cool but it never worked out. I always thought it was funny when you played online and there would be that girl playing and everyone would always try and get in her pants. They’d be like, “Yo LilCutie follow me, the Gatling gun is this way.” Dude you’re not going to get in her pants, she’s playing from Greece and you're in the United States. It was even funnier when you’d hear her voice over the headset, she’d sound so hot cause of the microphone. But in reality, she’s like a fat redheaded chick with no friends with a bag of Cheetos in front of her, yep definitely a muffin top.