Saturday, June 11, 2011


The word poops has always amazed me. It is such a vile word but so comedic and meaningful at the same time. I remember when I was with my brothers at a friends house and the parents started arguing in front of everyone. The mood was incredible before the parents went at it. I look over at my brother and he goes, "Dude this is so poopy lets get out of her". When I heard him say that it was like all of my worries went away. Although it was poopy at that house, I had the biggest smile on my face.
Its even a great word to  use when someone is bothering the hell out of you. Take for example those girls that are super clingy or have nothing to do so they sit on their bed all day calling people up and bothering them. Sometimes those girls are the mayor of poop city or the head clan leader of pooptopia. Just say it straight to their face, you never know they might not come back to bother you.
People talk too much nowadays. Sometimes they say things they dont mean or inappropriate things come out of their mouths. We call those people, 'poop mouths'. If there is a gang of them, then you have yourself a poop squad. Lets go over some more common poop concepts and phrases you may come across:
Poopyopolis- The capital of poopyville. If someones friends or family are all not fun and mean then they probably originate from here.
PoopCity- A house or apartment that is messy, does not smell good, and filled with uncomfortable sightings.
Snoopy- A covert way of calling someone poopy. Subtle, very subtle.
Poopiest- The highest degree of ill behavior a person may obtain.
Poopin- Nomadic behavior where a person or a group go disturbing good settings and happy moods.
PoopTart- Junk food that doesn't taste good.
Poopsicle-  Any type of ice cream that's soggy and unenjoyable.
Theres many more but this keeps your train of thought thinking any time you're not feel comfortable.