Saturday, June 11, 2011

People you find in the Gym

The Screamer- Loud unnecessary noises
The Fountain Roamer- Stationed at the water fountain
The One Upper- Follows your every set with higher weight.
Fat Guy who thinks hes strong- Squats 350 but looks like shit
Ab Guy- Nonstop abs, sloppy bod.
Adidas/Nike Rep- Alot of sweatbands, latest shorts and shirt.
Roid Head- Muscular guy nice dude, how does he wipe his ass or make phone calls?
Form Corrector- Maybe he really cares but its usually to spark up conversation.
Phone Guy- Bicep curls in one hand,  phone in the other. "Dude my right arm is definitely stronger than my left"
Infinite Sets guy- "How many sets you got left bro?" "13", "Oh ok, see you tommorow"
Asian Basketball Mob-Pretty Self Explanatory
Hairy Fob- Short shorts, hairy legs, and always smiling.
Sweatasaurus- Did he just bench or come from the swimming pool?